I'm the type of person who needs to constantly be doing something productive with the majority of my time. Now don't get me wrong-I LOVE a chill relaxed day with no responsibilities, binge watching old seasons of America's Next Top Model. However, if this starts to become a daily thing, I kinda start freaking out.
I think this stemmed from my constant go-go-go life since I was a child, playing on multiple soccer, basketball, and softball teams since the age of 4. Once I began high school, I quickly got a hostessing job my freshman year and still work at the establishment.
Now I go to school full time, play college soccer and lacrosse, work at a restaurant, a daycare, and do babysitting on the side. Even now though, I find myself sometimes looking for another job (I know I'm insane).
And no, I definitely don't do it for the money (I'm still broke). I just think having multiple different responsibilities at this age keeps you focused on your goals and teaches you so many life lessons.
So here are a few quick tips on how I manage my work life, while not making my entire life ABOUT work.
1. Don't commit to a job until you KNOW the schedule fits your lifestyle.
All throughout high school, I was busy very weekday from 7 am until at least 6 pm. This was from the school day and then whatever sports practice/game I had. The only time I had to work was weekends! The restaurant business was perfect for me because the shifts I mostly worked from age 15-17 were weekends.
Yes, I spent many weekends working and not out with my friends, but to me that was important. Not only did it keep me out of trouble, but I had my own money to spend when many of my friends were asking their parents for $15 for the movies.
Now, my college schedule is spaced out. Because of this, I went to my daycare employer and showed her my available times. This allows me to work at the daycare between/after practices and classes. I would have never applied for the job if I knew my schedule didn't fit the hours of the daycare, so make sure that's one of the first questions you ask-What are the shifts like?
2. Display responsibility right from the get-go
As soon as you get the job, show up early. Stay later if they need you. If your boss tells you to clean the windows, CLEAN THE WINDOWS. Be the yes-man (or woman i guess)
You want to show your boss that you are committed to your job. This helps ensure that if you need a couple extra days off a month, your boss doesn't have a problem because they know you are a good worker and the job means a lot to you!
3. Create meaningful relationships with your co-workers
At both of my jobs, I really love the people I work with. Some of them are my actual best friends, and some are just work friends. Either way, I love them!
This is super important, not only so you are enjoying your time working instead of thinking about other things you could be doing, but if you need a shift covered (because of school or sports or whatever else), they got you!
I know that if my friend asks me to work for them I am usually more likely to go out of my way to cover their shift!
4. Explain your availability right off the bat
As soon as I was getting both of my jobs, I explain that I am a full time student and play athletics year round. Both of my bosses understand that my life goes family-> school-> sports-> work
If your boss doesn't know that, then there will be major issues in the future! And if they don't hire you because of that, then find another job! It's not worth the hassle.
6. LOVE what you do!
Don't get me wrong. I don't LOVE clearing tables and taking drink orders and all of the things that come along with the restaurant world. However, I have so much fun when I'm working because I love my co-workers and I make the most out of my time there.
Always look at your job as a new experience to bring on with you until/if you end up getting a full time career. Each job teaches me a new responsibility and lesson- and I love everything I do because of it.