My entire life, I have been a dog lover. From big to small, cute to ugly (yes there IS such a thing as an ugly dog), and nice to mean- there is always a soft spot for these furry friends in my heart.
In my family, we have REALLY big soft spots for the same dog... PITBULLS!
Pits are just so unique, beautiful, and often they are misunderstood. My dad has been adopting pitbulls since forever. We adopted our first family pitbull the spring of 2015, and our newest family member has really changed our lives.
Kelly was an extremely anxious, strung out, nut case dog who was incredibly sweet and loving from the moment you looked at her and got past how big her ears are. We were told that she would soon be put down if we didn't adopt her that week. And she came into our home and lit up our lives, even though she's kind of smelly and tries to jump on the couch when she's not allowed to be up there.

Over the years, Kelly's nervousness subdued and we realized that since this was the first time she has truly felt safe and secure in a home. To think that Kelly could have been put down just because someone didn't have enough room in their house for her makes me so sad.

There are so many dogs out there that want to be loved and want to be your best friend. And the best part? They're so inexpensive! Why spend thousands of dollars on a designer breed when you can go to your closest shelter and save the life of a dog who really needs you.
Go to your closest shelter and walk around. Seeing them locked in those small cages looking for a human to love can melt your heart as it is. And sometimes, we need dogs more than they need us!