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The Last Time I Did Something for the First Time

Coming out of high school and playing 3 sports all 4 years, then going into college only playing 1 was a nerve racking time. I knew I would have so much free time, but I never knew what I'd actually DO with all of that free time!

I was already set on playing soccer in the fall, but this whole time I was wondering what the rest of the year would look like going to school and not playing sports. Fall soccer had past, and it was our winter term. My cousin was transferring to my school and playing lacrosse in the spring. She'd texted me saying that the team needed more players and that I should come play. I laughed when she asked me this because I had never played lacrosse before, and starting when I was already 18 years old didn't seem like a very good idea.

Later on, I connected with the coach and my parents gave me a push reminding me that it'll help fill in some time during the fall and keep me in shape for soccer. After a bit of convincing, I was in!

I showed up on the first day with one of my friend's hand-me-down lacrosse sticks and that's about it. Thankfully, the coach had given me goggles, a mouth piece, and a new stick.

The first week of practice was so very challenging for me. I'm used to just being able to naturally play whatever sport I'm playing, but this was so different to me. While it felt like everyone else was having no issues doing anything, I couldn't even have a catch with anyone without messing up each throw or missing the catch-- talk about embarrassing!

Although the beginning was rough, I slowly but surely was able to learn little things here and there. I was finally able to catch the ball 60% of the time. I could sort of throw to my target without the ball hitting the floor. I was starting to feel more comfortable.

It was after our first scrimmage that I really got a feel for the game. My coach was amazing in telling us where to go and coaching us through everything. And even though we lost something like 13-0, that scrimmage gave me the confidence to know I can fit in with the other girls.

I continued to grow in not only skill, but knowledge of the game. Amazingly, I earned 2nd team all conference, and that was one of the highlights of my entire freshman year of college. Going from knowing nothing to actually doing well in my league was one of the best feelings in the world. I am so happy I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried something new, because if I didn't, then I know my college experience would have been completely different.


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